Celebrate with Marble Catholic Saint Statues


Saint Francis Statues

I have my own Catholic Saint statues that I keep close to me and they include my favorite Catholic Saints who are Padre Pio and Saint Francis of Assisi. Through their intercession, I was cured of a dreadful disease that wore me down for some time. I remember praying to St. Padre Pio many times and seeking his help with my problems. Though a recent Saint who had been canonized on June 16, 2002 by Pope John Paul II, Padre Pio is known to have created miracles even while alive and was also known for bilocation where he could be seen in two places at one time. Other Catholic saints who were said to have experienced bilocation include Catherine de' Ricci, Saint Drogo, Anthony of Padua, Francis of Paola, Francis Xavier, Faustina Kowalska, María de Ágreda, Alphonsus Liguori and Gerard Majella. Many people purchase Catholic Saint statues to not only remember what these holy people did in their lifetime, but it is also believed that these saints who are now in heaven and close to God, will help you with your prayers if you include their intercession in your prayers to God. Most likely, your prayers will be answered as mine have. This is because saints, in the after life, are thought to be spiritual guides and mentors who would add their prayers to yours’ to strengthen them so God would grant your wish.

Who are Saints:

There are many Catholic Saint statues in the marketplace that you may see, some of which are made of solid marble or bronze as ours’ are. We sell only quality pieces that are based on originals. When you visit our Catholic Saint statues catalog, you will notice that the craftsmanship rendered is of superb quality, and we also price our statues low so you can acquire a beautiful solid marble Saint statue at a reasonable price.

Saints are men and women who possess an exemplary life of virtues, are holy people and who are devoted to Jesus and to God while living their earthly lives, and who after their deaths, are said to hold a privileged place with God in heaven. There are over 10,000 saints all across the world and each one of them are said to possess a unique life story during which God had communicated to them in some way or the other. Many of these saints came from varied backgrounds such as martyrs; kings and queens like King St Louis IX who was canonized by Pope Boniface VIII in 1297 and was the only French king to be declared a Saint; missionaries; widows like Saint Rita of Cascia; parents; nuns and priests like Saint Francis; and people who have dedicated their lives towards obeying and following God. Although there have been numerous saints recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, many of the names and histories of some of these holy men and women have been lost to history. It was in the 10th century that Pope John XV formalized the process for identifying saints. Before that, saints were loosely recognized through public cult and somehow, not all of them made it through history. They were just forgotten as time went on.

Choosing a Saint:

The Saint you want to focus on should be someone you feel comfortable with, someone you can relate to and whom you can identify with in the long term. You can start your quest to find that perfect Saint for you by searching the internet for their life stories and why they have been singled out as saints. You may also have a confirmation Saint that was given to you at the time of your confirmation. A confirmation saint is a saint's name chosen by the person being confirmed who will act as their patron or patroness. But this does not mean you can’t observe other saints. It is just that a confirmation saint is given to you so he or she can pray for you and lead you to grow spiritually as a Catholic. You can find many of the saints shopping our Catholic saint statues catalogs. While we do have bronze Catholic saint statues, you will find many marble Saint statues we carry like Saint Rita, Saint Dominic and even apostle statues like Saint Judas or Jude as well as Saint Bartholomew. Many of these marble Saint statues can be used as cemetery statues or set near the grave to bring peace and tranquillity. There is a misconception that Catholics pray to idols and that is absolutely not true. Having Saint statues does not mean Catholics are idol worshippers. Catholics use statues especially Saint statues to focus on an aspect of their prayer. Many of these saints are patron saints of a certain aspect of an attribute, vocation or occupation like police men or ecologist as examples. When you shop for our Catholic Saint statues catalog, you might find small Saint marble statues that are suitable for use in the garden or for a grave. Our small Saint statues made of marble are designed for the outdoors and will add a serene and peaceful touch to the grave site. The Saint marble statues we carry are designed for all round use, are realistically detailed, and are made of high quality solid white marble. If you are someone who believes in saints, you might be intrigued with the Catholic Saint statues we have.

Many people Catholic or non-Catholics alike, have found inspiration just reading about saints and the sacrifices and ways they have served the community they work for. Saints are recognized by the Catholic community for successfully surmounting the challenges they faced in their earthly lives. Some of those saints include Saint Theresa of Avila and Mother Teresa who served the poor and never complained. Then there are saints which have been persecuted for their beliefs like Saint Thomas and Saint Perpetua. There are also saints who have contributed to the growth of the faith like Saint Anthony of Hippo and Saint Teresa of Avila. All these saints showed remarkable strengths and were forgiving even when they were met with trials that crippled them. Then there are some saints like Saint Francis of Assisi who spread his kindness and goodness around and refused to be praised citing that it was God who helped heal using his hands to do the deed.

Catholics venerate the saints and look to the examples these saints have set for their lives and will follow them hoping to learn the manner they lived their lives so they can be close to God. Saints are also accorded certain attributes and are patron saints of certain causes and occupations, and may be invoked for help in the areas in which they are said to be capable of providing help. Most saints are accorded feast days and on this day, the lives and contributions of the saints are formally recognized and celebrated. During the feast day, many followers may gather to honor their saints and there are many saints like Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Anthony of Padua who command many followers even though they lived a long time ago. Today, many people recognize the strengths of these saints and will pay tribute to them by honoring them on their feast day.

There are just so many saints that have been canonized by the Catholic Church and each one of them are celebrated with books and artworks done to their name. Many of these saints like Saint Francis and Saint Padre Pio have even statues with their name so you can buy these statues and keep them close to your heart, invoking them to get help and to intercede on your behalf as you pray to God. At TimelessBronze.com, you will notice many Catholic saint statues who will intercede on your behalf when the need arises. Here are just some of the stories of the saints we carry who will respond to you some way or the other when you choose to get close to God. These saints have extraordinary lives and were known to receive messages from God while they lived their earthly lives.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Mention the Saint, Saint Francis of Assisi and it is highly likely that you would have heard his name. A peaceful figure filled with the love for God, Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the most venerated saints in the Roman Catholic history.  After hearing the voice of God several times, Saint Francis took it upon himself to fix the problems of the church and along the way, founded the Franciscan orders, including the Poor Clares and the lay Third Order. The son of an affluent cloth merchant, Saint Francis abandoned wealth and wore a tunic that a bishop gave him and began his life of ministry after God used a meeting with a leper to change his heart. Saint Francis is known to have performed many miracles including healing the sick, walking on water as Jesus did, and raising the dead including animals that were killed for food. Today, both he and Saint Catherine of Siena are credited as the patron saints of Italy and the patron saint of animals. There are many St Francis statues sold in the marketplace that incorporate animals like deer and dove as well as wolf when you purchase a Saint Francis statue. At TimelessBronze.com, you will find Saint Francis marble statues which capture the look of the Saint in prayer. Based on European reproductions, our Saint Francis marble statues are beautifully detailed to capture a realistic look of the Saint and can be used to adorn church grounds and schools which follow the teachings of Saint Francis. Our marble Saint Francis statues are inspiring statues which come hand carved, and are sculpted to reflect a serene and peaceful view of the Saint. Those who believe in Saint Francis will pray for peace and justice, saying The Prayer of St. Francis.

Saint Joseph

One of the most popular saints in the Roman Catholic world, our Saint Joseph statues celebrate this peaceful and loving foster father of Jesus who had accepted him as his son when an angel visited him in his dream and told him that Mary was to bear God’s Son in her blessed womb and asked for his understanding. Although he was angry to hear that Mary was pregnant, he decided to serve God when he realized that Mary was truly pregnant with the Son of God.

Although little has been mentioned about Saint Joseph in the Gospels, he most likely played an important role in Jesus’ life, training his foster Son to follow the carpenter’s trade which Jesus did for a while. It has been said that Saint Joseph is the most powerful Saint in heaven after the Blessed Virgin Mary because of his closeness with God. When you are feeling overwhelmed and are somewhat sad, pray to Saint Joseph for fatherly guidance and strength. This Saint is known as the Patron of the Universal Church for his life, love and protection of both Mary and Our Lord. He is also the patron saint of fathers, workers such as carpenters, pregnant women and unborn children. Another curious habit that some Christians engage in is to bury a Saint Joseph statue under the ground and this is supposed to bring luck to the seller of the house as it is said that the home owner can anticipate good luck and good fortune in selling the house.

Saint Padre Pio

Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina

Another popular Saint who was recently canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, Saint Pio of Pietrelcina is known to be a powerful Saint who received the five wounds of Christ also known as the stigmata, has visions and is credited with the gift of healing. He is also known to remove demons from people who need to be exorcised. In addition, Padre Pio as he is popularly known as, has many extraordinary spiritual gifts like the gift of healing, bilocation, prophecy, miracles, the ability to read hearts, the gift of tongues meaning the ability to speak and understand languages that he had never studied and bilocation which is the ability to be in two places at one time. He is also recognized as the Patron Saint of Civil Defense Volunteers as he served in the military as a Friar in World War I. Today, his incorruptible body remains on permanent display in the crypt of the church dedicated to him. He has influenced many people to do the Holy Rosary and remains one of my favorite saints. Without Padre Pio, I would not be able to write this blog post today. He saved me and I’m grateful to this saint for all that he has done for me from Heaven. At TimelessBronze.com, we highlight bonded marble statues of Padre Pio which are designed to add character to the home or garden. You can add the smaller tabletop Padre Pio marble statues to the home or purchase the large Padre Pio statue we carry for adding peace and tranquility to the garden.