Collection: Eagle Statues
Discover 57+ bronze eagle statues, large eagle sculpture, and bronze eagle sculptures with life size eagle statues and large eagle garden statues as mascot statues for a veteran, memorial park, school or college. As you invest in bronze eagle statue for sale, you will discover bronze eagle statue outdoor with majestic impressions cast by this glorious bird to your surroundings and the value it adds to your property. Email for more information on our bronze eagle statues and bronze eagle sculptures to see how we can make your experience, an enjoyable one.
Monumental Bronze American Bald Eagle Sculpture on Marble Base
- Regular price
- $85,998.00
- Sale price
- $57,885.00
Life Size American Eagle Holding US Flag Bronze Sculpture
- Regular price
- $14,998.00
- Sale price
- $9,500.00
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